Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kricut Krazy

Kricut Krazy

We were stationed in Okinowa Japan in the middle of a typhoon when we already on a lock down to due to the typhoon for almost four days. We had to be relocated in the dorms due to our home was flooding of sewage and water from the rain in the middle of the eye. Once the storm calm down we were all happy to finally get out of the dorms and try to get back into homes when you got the call that we are on lock down for a few hours or days wasn't sure yet. All actived duty members had to report to duty. We all sat by the TV watching what everyone was talking. Just sitting there tears rolling down my face in just disbelief. My husband (at the time) tried calling back home to see if his cousin was not in the towers when they came down. It took several days to get a hold of the family.  Thank god he was not. Mario is a NYC Cop at the time.
When I went back to NYC about 10 years ago my current husband now took me there and I could feel such sadness. Looking at pictures, letters, flowers, and many other things that people have left for them to always be remember by. My prayers will always go out to all those familys who lost thier lives on 9/11. You will never be forgotten in our hearts.

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